The blog explains the microbiology, diagnosis, and treatment of infections caused by anaerobic bacteria. It was was created by Itzhak Brook MD.
Infections caused by anaerobic bacteria are common, and may be serious and life-threatening. Anaerobes predominant in the bacterial flora of normal human skin and mucous membranes, and are a common cause of bacterial infections of endogenous origin. Infections due to anaerobes can evolve all body systems and sites. The predominate ones include: abdominal, pelvic, respiratory, and skin and soft tissues infections. Because of their fastidious nature, they are difficult to isolate and are often overlooked. Failure to direct therapy against these organisms often leads to clinical failures. Their isolation requires appropriate methods of collection, transportation and cultivation of specimens. Treatment of anaerobic bacterial infection is complicated by the slow growth of these organisms, which makes diagnosis in the laboratory only possible after several days, by their often polymicrobial nature and by the growing resistance of anaerobic bacteria to antimicrobial agents.
The site is made of a home page that presents new developments and pages dedicated to infectious site entities.

Sunday, September 16, 2012
Necrotizing fasciitis-a newly recognized complication of laryngectomy
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Individuals with oral cancer are colonized with greater number of bacteria and yeast
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Antibiotics treatment can be as effective as surgery for appendicitis
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Effects of exposure to smoking on the aerobic and anaerobic microbial flora of children and their parents
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Vagina flora and its influence on women's health and disease
The small and short Gram-negative rodes are clustered onto the squamous epithelium forming “clue cells”, typical of Garderella vaginalis infection
Lactobacillus species